Enterprise Mobile Device Management

Enterprise Mobile Device Management

Security & Application Management for your Mobile

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is the set of people, processes and technology focused on managing mobile devices, wireless networks, and other mobile computing services in a business context. EMM typically includes all of MDM Standard functions, but with the security services and additional tools create a more comprehensive solution.

C.H. Ostfeld sells VMWare Workspace ONE, world market leader in this kind of solution.
The sale and technical support staff are certified by VMware.

In addition we offer Wandera  solution for the management and security of mobile devices. The solution enables deep integration with  AirWatch.

The solutions provided are:

Workspace ONE


Virtualization and remote access

Virtualization and remote access

Easy to implement solutions.

We have been selling Ericom Software e di Starnet solution for more than 20 years.
Today, IT managers need to find the right balance between cost reduction and the ability to maintain high IT service levels. Fortunately, this challenge also presents a great opportunity to reorganize IT infrastructure with desktop and applications virtualization technologies, and with  remote access solutions at affordable costs that increase efficiency, improve performance and reliability.

The solutions provided are:

Ericom Connect
PowerTerm WebConnect DeskView
PowerTerm WebConnect Enterprise

VMWare AirWatch Content Locker

VMWare AirWatch Content Locker

La tecnologia continua a stravolgere le nostre abitudini lavorative in maniera drastica, ma il cosiddetto “smart working” ruota ancora attorno a due elementi fondamentali: i contenuti e la collaborazione.
Anche se l’ufficio diventa mobile e l’ambito di lavoro diventa digitale, molti dipendenti non possiedono ancora strumenti abbastanza sicuri ed efficaci per accedere, condividere, creare e interagire con i contenuti in maniera rapida e da qualsiasi luogo.

Per contro, i dipendenti adottano spesso un’approccio “bring your own” quando si tratta di mobile content management: dal caricare dati riservati su cloud pubblici, al condividere informazioni altamente riservate tramite email o all’utilizzare sistemi gratuiti di file sharing per inviare documenti aziendali.

Un’esperienza d’uso intuitiva e gradevole è tanto importante quanto garantire la sicurezza, su una piattaforma di gestione dei contenuti mobili. Con questo concetto chiaro in mente, AirWatch ha completamente ridisegnato la soluzione AirWatch Content Locker per iPad e iPhone , offrendo un’esperienza di consumo semplice ed una security di alto livello.

La nuova e migliore esperienza d’uso di Content Locker coinvolge l’utente a partire dal lancio dell’applicazione.
Schermate per tutorial guidati e testi in sovrapposizione aiutano l’utente a prendere dimestichezza con l’interfaccia ridisegnata.
Dalla home page, gli utenti hanno ora un rapido accesso ai contenuti richiesti e proposti, nonché ai contenuti visualizzati più recentemente.
Il nuovo User Hub fornisce agli utenti un accesso rapido ai file condivisi e alle bozze, consentendo ai dipendenti di continuare a lavorare con semplicità sui documenti. AirWatch ha reso più facile la ricerca su tutti i file, indipendentemente dal repository su cui sono memorizzati, così come l’applicazione di filtri e l’ordinamento di questi risultati in base a criteri rilevanti.

Gli utenti possono inoltre navigare su cartelle e file grazie alle “briciole di pane cliccabili” e visualizzare facilmente l’anteprima dei file sul Content Locker. Nella nuova visualizzazione a scheda disponibile, gli utenti possono anche visualizzare l’anteprima dei video direttamente dalla home page, senza dover navigare sul file stesso.

Ogni aggiornamento strategico è stato progettato per migliorare l’esperienza d’uso degli utenti ed incrementare l’adozione della soluzione.
D’altronde, le aziende semplicemente non possono proteggere i dati e incrementare la collaborazione e la produttività se gli utenti non amano gli strumenti che vengono loro offerti.(tratto da un articolo di Alessandro Magarini)


Wandera ed AirWatch in partnership

Wandera ed AirWatch in partnership

Wandera e AirWatch sono partner per offrire una prevenzione perfettamente integrata dalle minacce nel mondo mobile.

La nuova distribuzione “over-the-air” mette nelle condizioni i clienti di AirWatch di inviare Wandera Mobile Security a migliaia di dispositivi in un istante.

Direttamente dalla console di AirWatch e’ possible distribuire il Wandera Secure Mobile Gateway a qualsiasi numero di dispositivi. Gli amministratori semplicemente scelgono i gruppi di dispositivi, che interessano, e Wandera fa il push silente “over the air” a tutti i dispositivi senza che i possessori subiscano alcuna interruzione del servizio.

Il Wandera Secure Mobile Gateway protegge i dispositive mobili aziendali con una prevenzione delle minacce in tempo reale e permette di gestire la conformita’ e la riduzione dei costi del traffico dati.
L’architettura multilivello di Wandera include il primo gateway cloud al mondo per mobile.

Wandera analizza miliardi di input giornalieri per prevenire attacchi sui dispositivi e proteggere i dati sensibili delle aziende.

L’app di integrazione con AirWatch sul dispositivo permette agli amministratori di identificare e bloccare le minacce come la perdita dei dati, malware e attacchi man-in-the-middle, in tempo reale.


BMC Discovery o ADDM, una soluzione agentless

BMC Discovery o ADDM, una soluzione agentless

BMC Discovery e’ uno strumento estremamente efficiente, se non indispensabile, per condurre in maniera immediata ed aggiornata studi di Risk assessment (o risk analysis) e di business impact analysis
Mappa accuratamente le applicazioni e le connessioni in pochi minuti:

  • Riduce le interruzioni del servizio grazie alla possibilità di prevedere e gestire i cambiamenti di configurazione.
  • Effettua una mappatura completa delle informazioni software, hardware, di rete e di storage.
  • Migliora i criteri di sicurezza con un inventario documentato al fine di soddisfare i requisiti di conformità.
  • Dismette o consolida gli asset in modo riservato capendo le relazioni e l’impatto sul business.

La soluzione è agentless, infatti BMC Discovery è un’appliance virtuale pronta da usare. Il deploy richiede pochi minuti. Non c’è alcun processo di installazione, nessun database esterno da installare e configurare e nessun requisito di configurazione o di sistema operativo da rispettare.
Sotto il profilo della sicurezza, BMC Discovery utilizza standard di sicurezza certificati. L’applicazione virtuale infatti supporta FIPS 140-2 e rispetta NIST STIG.
Infine BMC Discovery si integra con qualunque CMDB oltre ad avere una integrazione nativa con il CMDB di BMC Remedy.
A corredo del pacchetto base sono disponibili due add-on opzionali:

  • Extended Data Pack: che gestisce la end-of-life del supporto del software e dell’hardware al fine di evitare problemi di upgrade per software non più supportati o evitare inefficienze del hardware.
  • Discovery for Storage: permette di includere nei processi ITSM componenenti storage di 25 brand diversi sia virtuali sia fisici. In questo modo il team di gestione può concentrarsi su una attività con connotati più strategici.





VMware has grown from five technologists working in a small apartment, to a leading innovator in enterprise software. Today the company’s compute, cloud, mobility, networking, and security offerings provide a dynamic and efficient digital foundation to over 500,000 customers globally. VMware technologies have fundamentally changed IT, and with it, the possibilities open to business. Now VMware and its customers have the freedom to build their own digital futures.

Digital Workspace
Make it easy for employees to work anywhere, any time, on any device, without compromising security.

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Workspace ONE

Intelligence-driven digital workspace platform that delivers and manages any app on any device

Deliver an Engaging Employee Experience with an Intelligence-driven Digital Workspace Platform
Simply and securely deliver and manage any app on any device with VMware Workspace ONE, an intelligence-driven digital workspace platform. Workspace ONE integrates access control, application management and multi-platform endpoint management into a single platform and is available as a cloud service or on-premises deployment.

What Workspace ONE Delivers

Engaging Employee Experiences From Onboarding to Offboarding
Enables enterprises to maximize employee engagement and productivity by empowering employees with a personalized experience and Day One access to any app on any device.
Unified Endpoint Management
Consolidate management silos across mobile devices, desktops (including Windows 10 and macOS), rugged devices and “things”. Reduce costs and improve security with real-time, over-the-air modern management across all use cases (including BYO).
Intelligence Across the Digital Workspace
Aggregate and correlate data across your entire digital workspace to drive insights, analytics and powerful automation of common IT tasks that improve user experience, strengthen security and reduce IT cost.
Virtual Desktops and Apps
Radically transform traditional VDI and published apps with integrated VMware Horizon and VMware Horizon Cloud, which provides unprecedented simplicity, flexibility, speed and scale – all at a lower cost. A common control plane across the “multi-cloud” enables an architecture and cost model to meet your requirements.
Secure and Simple Application Access
Boost productivity and delight employees with secure, password-free single sign-on (SSO) to SaaS, mobile, Windows, virtual and web apps on any phone, tablet or laptop — all through a single app catalog.
Simplify Zero Trust Security
Combine intrinsic security across device, users, and apps to simplify the enablement of Zero Trust access control. Industry-leading modern management of all devices and access management across all applications makes zero trust access models a reality.

Workspace ONE UEM Powered by AirWatch

Unified endpoint management (UEM) technology that powers Workspace ONE
Manage Every Device and Every Use Case with Unified Endpoint Management
Reduce costs and improve security with modern, over-the-air management of every endpoint – including desktops, mobile, rugged, and IoT – and ensure enterprise security at every layer with Workspace ONE UEM, powered by AirWatch technology.

What Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Does
Unifies Endpoint Management
Manage the full lifecycle of any endpoint – mobile (Android, iOS), desktop (Windows 10, macOS, Chrome OS), rugged and even IoT (Linux and others) – in a single management console. Support all your mobility use cases: corporate-owned, BYOD, purpose-built or shared devices.
Modernizes Desktop Management
Optimize desktop OS (Windows 10, macOS, Chrome OS) lifecycle management for a mobile world. The most complete, modern management technology simplifies deployment, provides 100% cloud policy management, streamlines app delivery, automates patching and ensures security.
Automates Processes and Delivers Intelligent Insights
Leverage powerful insights and rules-based automation to optimize employee digital experience, ease the strain on IT and get to a proactive management and security model. Learn more about our intelligence-driven digital workspace platform.
Protects Corporate Apps and Data on Any Network
Provide an intrinsic and comprehensive security approach that encompasses the user, endpoint, app, data and network. Conditional access and granular compliance policies protect company data and ensure hands-free, instant remediation against modern day security threats.
Improves Employee Productivity
Deliver frictionless and secure access to all your business apps – mobile, desktop, SaaS, virtual. The apps include VMware Workspace ONE secure mobile productivity apps – catalog, email, calendar, contacts, web browser, notes, content and more.
Powers Your Digital Workspace
Unified Endpoint Management technology is an essential element in delivering on the promise of a complete digital workspace that reduces IT costs, bolsters security and proactively improves employees’ digital experience.

Workspace ONE UEM Key Highlights

  • Cloud-first, multitenant model to support and better control growing business requirements
  • Real-time desktop modern management from cloud, enhanced with Intelligence automation
  • Automate Windows 10 modern management migration with Workspace ONE AirLift
  • Special purpose mobility with support for ruggedized devices, wearables and IoT
  • Secure Microsoft Office 365 with MAM and conditional access policies across all OS
  • Remote wipe compromised devices instantly to remove sensitive company data
  • Enterprise-grade security fit for government agencies and regulated industries
  • Unified app catalog for one-touch, secure access to any app across any device
  • Robust API framework to support enterprise systems, services, identity, apps, content

VMware Carbon Black Cloud

Transform your security with intelligent endpoint and workload protection that adapts to your needs.

Transform your security with intelligent endpoint and workload protection that adapts to your needs.

Advanced Cybersecurity Fueled by Behavioral Analytics

Cloud native endpoint, workload, and container protection platform that combines the intelligent system hardening and behavioral prevention needed to keep emerging threats at bay, using a single, easy-to-use console. By analyzing more than 1 trillion security events per day, VMware Carbon Black Cloud proactively uncovers attackers’ behavior patterns and empowers defenders to detect and stop emerging attacks.

Modernize Your Endpoint Protection
Legacy approaches to prevention leave organizations exposed. Cybercriminals constantly update tactics and obscure their actions within common tools and processes. You need an endpoint platform that helps you spot the minor fluctuations that hide malicious attacks and adapt prevention in response.

Attackers Bypass Traditional Endpoint Security
Most of today’s cyberattacks now encompass tactics such as lateral movement, island hopping and destructive attacks. Advanced hacking capabilities and services for sale on the dark web compound the issue. These realities pose a tremendous risk to targets with decentralized systems protecting high-value assets, including money, intellectual property, and state secrets.

Recognizing the Good, the Bad and the Gray
While other endpoint security products only collect a dataset related to what is known bad, we continuously collect endpoint activity data because attackers intentionally try to look normal to hide their attacks. Analyze attackers’ behavior patterns to detect and stop never-seen-before attacks.

Simplify Your Security Stack
VMware Carbon Black Cloud consolidates multiple endpoint security capabilities using one endpoint agent and console, cutting the management headaches and console thrashing required when responding to potential incidents. Minimize downtime responding to incidents and return critical CPU cycles back to the business.