Financial Services: Meeting the Corporate Connectivity Challenge

Financial Services: Meeting the Corporate Connectivity Challenge

Today it takes more than profits and stock prices to keep banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies at the top of their game. In an online world where time is money, delays or unsecured access to financial services applications can cost not only in millions, but also in loss of customers and at worst, the business itself. The IT solution needed to provide staff, brokers, partners, and insurance agents with access to corporate, retail and mortgage banking, as well as insurance applications must be secure, reliable and drive overall business efficiencies.

Ericom realizes that escalating globalization, deregulation, and competition, place tremendous performance challenges on today’s financial service providers and IT organizations.
They must meet not only the challenges of rigid accountability standards for privacy and security, but also of globally dispersed offices and mobile workforces, within ever-increasing cost and time constraints.

Ericom Software enables IT departments across the financial services industry to address a wide range of complex IT issues:

  • High availability (up-time) of applications and services -anywhere, anytime.
  • Business continuity – supporting continuous operations, with no single point of failure.
  • Mobility and BYOD scenarios.
  • Extended banking, securities and other financial services to branch offices, mobile agents and staff.
  • Supporting a wide range of new and legacy applications and data.
  • Ensuring privacy of corporate and customer records and information
  • Enabling information sharing among geographically distributed agencies and branch offices.

Secure and On-demand Access for the Financial Services Industry

Ericom’s enterprise-wide application access solution is flexible and scalable enough to accommodate gradual or rapid growth of any business. It enables you to:

  • Leverage existing IT assets to provide faster and better services, while increasing overall business efficiency.
  • Centralize application access management to reduce IT overhead and complexity
  • Accelerate software updates – installing applications on servers instead of individual desktops, optimizes your IT resources and lowers overhead.
  • Centrally monitor access to applications to prevent fraud and lower security threats.
  • Publish Windows and web applications to any device, anywhere including Windows, Mac and Linux desktops, laptops, mobile devices and thin clients without having to install any client-side software – ideal for BYOD policies.
  • Secure applications and data with built-in encryption.

Download Ericom Connect documentation

Download “EricomConnect.pdf” EricomConnect.pdf – Downloaded 897 times – 1,006 KB

Do you like football? Beware of APPs!

Do you like football? Beware of APPs!

As football fever sweeps across Europe due to the 2016 UEFA European Championship, the SmartWire Labs Team at Wandera has been analyzing the mobile data traffic patterns across our network of enterprise customers in the European countries that make up this year’s tournament. By investigating the billions of daily data inputs that are scanned by our Secure Mobile Gateway, we’ve made some startling discoveries about data security and mobile phone usage in the lead up to and during the tournament (Research period 25 May to 24 June 2016).


With the tournament in full swing, users are becoming more active on their mobile devices, by exploring new content and being exposed to an increasing number of online ads. As a result of this spike in activity, SmartWire Labs discovered an increase in the number of malicious websites being accessed by smartphones. Worryingly, it seems that the host country has been actively targeted by hackers with 72% of malicious websites and 41% of exposed passwords being detected on smartphones in France.

During our research period, the number of data leaks observed by our research team increased. We predict this number will continue to rise as the tournament goes on as a result of more people travelling across Europe and using unfamiliar apps and websites to access match information. Our research suggests that data leaks will peak in late June towards the end of Euro 2016 before going back to normal levels in late July.



One of the most startling discoveries by our researchers relates to the ‘UEFA EURO 2016 Fan Guide’ App. It’s one of the official UEFA mobile applications for Euro 2016, designed to provide practical tourist information for fans that are travelling to France for the tournament.

We have discovered that user credentials (including username, password, address and phone number) submitted to the online UEFA store website, are being transferred by both the iOS and Android versions of the app, over an insecure connection. The app itself has over 100,000 downloads on the google play store alone, and a very high rating. The implications of this are huge with potentially thousands of people having their personally identifiable information exposed and possibly stolen.


Overall, the increased data usage during the beginning of Euro 2016 will come as no surprise to anyone. The risks associated with this increase in traffic however have huge implications. With more people traveling across Europe, using unfamiliar websites and apps, as well as the shocking discovery that the official UEFA app is leaking data could all lead to serious security breaches with thousands of fans’ data being put at risk.


Since SmartWire Labs exposed the treat UEFA have acknowledged the problem and fixed the issue. A UEFA spokesperson confirmed:

It is correct that there is an issue with the fan app, concerning a third party component in the myfanzone section, where the contact details of around 4,000 users (name, email and phone number) were not fully protected.

Within a few days UEFA made the following statement:

All security vulnerabilities have been solved. Data exchange between the mobile App and the server are now encrypted.

Download report

Download “Euro_Paper.pdf” Euro_Paper.pdf – Downloaded 968 times – 778 KB

FootPrints Service Core

FootPrints Service Core

IT service management for mid-size organizations

This tour (from BMC web site) shows how FootPrints Service Core can effectively deliver IT and business services using popular self-help capabilities, an extensive knowledge base, powerful analytics, and more. (1:30)

BMC FootPrints 12 is easy to own, use and extend. Create personalized working experiences for your employees and IT that increase their productivity. Administrators can quickly configure end-to-end business services for IT and beyond. BMC FootPrints integrates easily with other systems such as BMC Client Management, Active Directory, any SQL Database, and more. With configurable capabilities that streamline the automation of service delivery, FootPrints improves employee satisfaction and IT’s reputation with your business users.

Incident and problem management
Easily initiate, route, track, and manage incidents—no programming required.

Knowledge management
Create a searchable inventory of common issues and their resolutions.

Executive dashboards and business analytics
Increase uptime and compliance by instantly monitoring key metrics, including adherence to service level agreements (SLAs).

Visualization and reporting
Easily and quickly automate processes, solve issues, and communicate with the business by using tools like the drag-and-drop visual workflow builder, impact analysis, and real-time report building..

Mobile access
Conveniently access a full range of functions from any device.

Strong user community
Enjoy a strong, collaborative user community who can provide expertise online and face-to-face.

Download Footprints Service Core documentation

Download “BMC_FootPrintsSC.pdf” BMC_FootPrintsSC.pdf – Downloaded 934 times – 239 KB

Enterprise Mobile Device Management

Enterprise Mobile Device Management

Security & Application Management for your Mobile

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is the set of people, processes and technology focused on managing mobile devices, wireless networks, and other mobile computing services in a business context. EMM typically includes all of MDM Standard functions, but with the security services and additional tools create a more comprehensive solution.

C.H. Ostfeld sells VMWare Workspace ONE, world market leader in this kind of solution.
The sale and technical support staff are certified by VMware.

In addition we offer Wandera  solution for the management and security of mobile devices. The solution enables deep integration with  AirWatch.

The solutions provided are:

Workspace ONE


Virtualization and remote access

Virtualization and remote access

Easy to implement solutions.

We have been selling Ericom Software e di Starnet solution for more than 20 years.
Today, IT managers need to find the right balance between cost reduction and the ability to maintain high IT service levels. Fortunately, this challenge also presents a great opportunity to reorganize IT infrastructure with desktop and applications virtualization technologies, and with  remote access solutions at affordable costs that increase efficiency, improve performance and reliability.

The solutions provided are:

Ericom Connect
PowerTerm WebConnect DeskView
PowerTerm WebConnect Enterprise

VMWare AirWatch Content Locker

VMWare AirWatch Content Locker

La tecnologia continua a stravolgere le nostre abitudini lavorative in maniera drastica, ma il cosiddetto “smart working” ruota ancora attorno a due elementi fondamentali: i contenuti e la collaborazione.
Anche se l’ufficio diventa mobile e l’ambito di lavoro diventa digitale, molti dipendenti non possiedono ancora strumenti abbastanza sicuri ed efficaci per accedere, condividere, creare e interagire con i contenuti in maniera rapida e da qualsiasi luogo.

Per contro, i dipendenti adottano spesso un’approccio “bring your own” quando si tratta di mobile content management: dal caricare dati riservati su cloud pubblici, al condividere informazioni altamente riservate tramite email o all’utilizzare sistemi gratuiti di file sharing per inviare documenti aziendali.

Un’esperienza d’uso intuitiva e gradevole è tanto importante quanto garantire la sicurezza, su una piattaforma di gestione dei contenuti mobili. Con questo concetto chiaro in mente, AirWatch ha completamente ridisegnato la soluzione AirWatch Content Locker per iPad e iPhone , offrendo un’esperienza di consumo semplice ed una security di alto livello.

La nuova e migliore esperienza d’uso di Content Locker coinvolge l’utente a partire dal lancio dell’applicazione.
Schermate per tutorial guidati e testi in sovrapposizione aiutano l’utente a prendere dimestichezza con l’interfaccia ridisegnata.
Dalla home page, gli utenti hanno ora un rapido accesso ai contenuti richiesti e proposti, nonché ai contenuti visualizzati più recentemente.
Il nuovo User Hub fornisce agli utenti un accesso rapido ai file condivisi e alle bozze, consentendo ai dipendenti di continuare a lavorare con semplicità sui documenti. AirWatch ha reso più facile la ricerca su tutti i file, indipendentemente dal repository su cui sono memorizzati, così come l’applicazione di filtri e l’ordinamento di questi risultati in base a criteri rilevanti.

Gli utenti possono inoltre navigare su cartelle e file grazie alle “briciole di pane cliccabili” e visualizzare facilmente l’anteprima dei file sul Content Locker. Nella nuova visualizzazione a scheda disponibile, gli utenti possono anche visualizzare l’anteprima dei video direttamente dalla home page, senza dover navigare sul file stesso.

Ogni aggiornamento strategico è stato progettato per migliorare l’esperienza d’uso degli utenti ed incrementare l’adozione della soluzione.
D’altronde, le aziende semplicemente non possono proteggere i dati e incrementare la collaborazione e la produttività se gli utenti non amano gli strumenti che vengono loro offerti.(tratto da un articolo di Alessandro Magarini)


Wandera ed AirWatch in partnership

Wandera ed AirWatch in partnership

Wandera e AirWatch sono partner per offrire una prevenzione perfettamente integrata dalle minacce nel mondo mobile.

La nuova distribuzione “over-the-air” mette nelle condizioni i clienti di AirWatch di inviare Wandera Mobile Security a migliaia di dispositivi in un istante.

Direttamente dalla console di AirWatch e’ possible distribuire il Wandera Secure Mobile Gateway a qualsiasi numero di dispositivi. Gli amministratori semplicemente scelgono i gruppi di dispositivi, che interessano, e Wandera fa il push silente “over the air” a tutti i dispositivi senza che i possessori subiscano alcuna interruzione del servizio.

Il Wandera Secure Mobile Gateway protegge i dispositive mobili aziendali con una prevenzione delle minacce in tempo reale e permette di gestire la conformita’ e la riduzione dei costi del traffico dati.
L’architettura multilivello di Wandera include il primo gateway cloud al mondo per mobile.

Wandera analizza miliardi di input giornalieri per prevenire attacchi sui dispositivi e proteggere i dati sensibili delle aziende.

L’app di integrazione con AirWatch sul dispositivo permette agli amministratori di identificare e bloccare le minacce come la perdita dei dati, malware e attacchi man-in-the-middle, in tempo reale.